After 14 months of trying to conceive we finally discovered we were pregnant, which was quite possibly the most exciting news of my life.
For some, probably most, first-time mums the first trimester can be an overwhelming, albeit exciting time. Personally, I had a lot of worries at the beginning and spent a lot of time Googling questions that 9/10 started out with “is it normal when…” In hindsight, I think I would have enjoyed my first trimester much more had I known what to expect and that pretty much everything you experience is normal.
So, let’s get into some of the things you can expect in the first trimester.
What happens to my body in the first trimester?
The first sign of pregnancy for most people will be a missed period which will quickly be followed by some wonderful pregnancy symptoms:
- Morning sickness. Perhaps the most heard of pregnancy symptom is morning sickness but it can actually be experienced at any time throughout the day. I was very lucky and was never actually sick however I did experience constant nausea. To help battle nausea or sickness try ginger tea and eat smaller meals more frequently.
- Fatigue. Growing a tiny human is exhausting on your body so expect to feel more tired than usual. Improve energy levels by resting when you can, exercising regularly and drinking lots of water.
- Changes to your breasts. Due to the hormonal changes happening in your body your breasts may feel sore, tender or more sensitive and they may get bigger (result!)
- Cravings or aversions. Lots of women find that they are more sensitive to smells and tastes which can result in you having cravings for foods or, on the other hand, you could find that you are totally put off by certain foods. I, like many others, had heard of pregnant women having really strong cravings so was very disappointed when I didn’t have any at all! Proving that all women will experience pregnancy differently.
- Mood swings. Finding out you are pregnant can leave you feeling excited, anxious, nervous, delighted, fearful, sometimes all at once. Hormone changes can also make you feel moody or irritable too. It’s important to be open with your partner about how you’re feeling to give them a better understanding of what you are going through.
- Cramps. This symptom scared me the most as I experienced a lot of, what can only be described as, period cramps. Turns out, the implantation process can lead to stomach cramps and even light bleeding. However, if like me, you are concerned always seek medical advice and trust your gut!
What is happening to baby?
Your tiny human will grow more over the next 12 weeks than at any other stage during pregnancy. Your baby will develop a brain, spinal cord and will begin developing all of their other organs. Arms and legs will start to develop and by the end of week eight tiny little fingers and toes will start to form. Perhaps the most exciting thing of all will be hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time during your 12-week scan!
Track your pregnancy with fun apps like the pregnancy tracker. This app compares your baby to different fruits/vegetables week by week and gives you updates on your baby’s development. You can also use it as a diary to track your weight, baby’s kicks and log any symptoms you are experiencing.
Things to do:
- Call your doctor and arrange an appointment with a midwife. In the UK you will be seen at eight weeks, this is called a booking appointment, where your midwife will ask lots of questions about your lifestyle, take a blood test, urine test and measure your height and weight. You will have your first scan at twelve weeks.
- Stop smoking and drinking if this is something you do.
- Take a pregnancy supplement, and discuss with your midwife what they would recommend. It is recommended that you take folic acid before conceiving and continue to take it until you are twelve weeks pregnant, to help with your baby’s development.
- Learn ways to stay healthy during your pregnancy.
- Most importantly of all, enjoy it! You are growing a tiny human which is quite possibly the most exciting thing!